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engine valve中文是什么意思

用"engine valve"造句"engine valve"怎么读"engine valve" in a sentence


  • 发动机阀
  • 发动机气门


  • The two types of engine valves are intake and exhaust .
  • Optimized design of 50crvasteel diesel engine valve spring
  • Several adjusting methods for diesel engine valve clearance
  • Measures for improving reliability of diesel engine valve control mechanism
  • 3 . design and develop the device of motorcycle engine valve phase measuring system
    3 、摩托车发动机气门相位测量装置的设计开发。
  • We are interested in buying i . c auto engine valves for cars , trucks , and earth moving machinery
  • 2 . analyze and compute the theory of motorcycle engine valve phase and compression ratio measuring system
    2 、对气门相位、压缩比测量的理论分析和方法计算。
  • Main contents are listed as follows : 1 . survey the present status of motorcycle industry engine valve phase and compression ratio measuring technology in our country
    本文主要包括如下的内容: 1 、目前我国摩托车行业发动机气门相位、压缩比测量技术现状的调研。
  • Introduced the postulate , model and realize process of ant group arithmetic , and applied it in gas engine valve spring design . the result showed it ' s valuable for optimize design
  • Zhejiang shang yu dong xin automobile parts manufacture co . , ltd ( former zhejiang yu huan san you engine valve factory co . , ltd ) is a professional manufacturing factory which produces automobile valves
    浙江省上虞市东鑫汽车配件制造有限公司(原浙江玉环三友气门厂) ,是生产汽车气门的专业制造厂,公司拥有一支高素质员工队伍,有着多年从事汽车气门开发、生产、服务的丰富经验。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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